Golden Retriever-PRA 2 (GPRA2)

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (Golden Retriever Type2)

Turnaround: 3-5 business daysTurnaround: 7-10 business days

Price: $45.00Price: £40.00

Breeds: Australian Golden Doodle, Double Doodle, Goldadoodlier, Goldador, Goldador Doodle, Goldalier, Golden Retriever, Goldendoodle, Miniature Goldendoodle, Mixed Breed, Unspecified


Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is a category of genetic mutations that cause vision loss and blindness. Photoreceptor cells (light-sensing cells) in the retina begin to degenerate, typically progressing from a loss of night vision to complete blindness.

PRA affects many different dog breeds, and these mutations are breed-specific. In Golden Retrievers, two mutations have been identified (in addition to prcd-PRA) known as GR-PRA1 and GR-PRA2.

Both GR-PRA1 and GR-PRA2 are inherited autosomal recessive disordersAutosomal recessive disorders are disorders that can be passed from either parent and require two copies of the gene to show symptoms. Because both GR-PRA1 and GR-PRA2 are recessive disorders, a dog must have two copies of the mutation in order for the disease to manifest. This means that a dog can have one copy of the mutation and not experience any signs or symptoms of GR-PRA1 or GR-PRA2. This dog would be known as a carrier. The carrier can then pass on either the normal gene or the mutated gene to any offspring. If two carriers are bred, there is a 25% per puppy that they will develop symptoms of GR-PRA1 or GR-PRA2.

Possible Results

Genotype Description
P/P Affected: Dog has two copies of the GR-PRA2 mutation and will be affected. The mutation will be passed to every offspring.
n/P Carrier: Dog has one copy of the GR-PRA2 mutation. The dog is not affected by GR-PRA2 but may pass the mutation to offspring.
n/n Clear: Dog is negative for the mutation associated with GR-PRA2.


Downs LM, Hitti R, Pregnolato S, Mellersh CS. Genetic screening for PRA-associated mutations in multiple dog breeds shows that PRA is heterogeneous within and between breeds. Vet Ophthalmol. 2014 Mar;17(2):126-30. doi: 10.1111/vop.12122. Epub 2013 Nov 21. [PubMed: 24255994]