DNA Profile (Outside Laboratory)

Submitting ISAG DNA Profile from an outside lab

Turnaround: 3-5 business daysTurnaround: 7-10 business days

Price: $10.00Price: £10.00

Breeds: All


Animal Genetics allows customers to submit DNA profiles from other labs that follow standards set by The National Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) and leading labs including The University of California Davis (U.C. Davis) and the University of Kentucky. All our profiles use a multi-plex genetic STR marker panel, consisting of 20 Loci: AHT4, AHT5, HMS1, HMS2, HMS6, HMS7, HTG4, HTG6, HTG7, VHL20, ASB2, HMS3, HTG10, ASB17, ASB23, LEX33, LEX3, CA425, UM011 and AME creating reliable results that are accepted throughout the world.

The DNA profile is presented to the customer in chart-form, and the universal markers we use conform to international standards, therefore can be cross-compared with marker-reports produced by other laboratories using the same methods.

For parentage testing, genetic matches between the DNA profiles of sampled horses are examined and evaluated. All conclusions are presented in writing shortly after testing is completed. Basic sire viability can be obtained using mane hair samples from both the foal and the prospective sire. However, since a foal inherits 50% of its DNA from its dam and 50% from its sire, mane hair samples are required from both parents in order to gain a 100% data match.